Who We Are
In 1923, 29 years after his death, Ranald’s autobiography finally found a publisher. One or two other books and magazine articles followed, but soon the story was almost forgotten. In Japan, in 1979, the story of Ranald’s adventure was rediscovered. His memoir was translated into Japanese by Professor Torao Tomita and was published. Other books and articles began to appear.
In 1987 members of the local Rotary Club and Japanese Friends of MacDonald erected a monument on Rishiri Island, Japan. It marks the rocky shore where the determined Oregonian landed in 1848. In 1988 the Clatsop County Historical Society and others erected a bilingual monument to mark Ranald MacDonald’s birthplace at the site of Fort Astoria. The Friends of MacDonald were organized and launched an ambitious educational and research program on both sides of the Pacific. In 1994 the Nagasaki-South Rotary Club dedicated a monument to Ranald MacDonald marking the place of his incarceration near Dejima.
Friends of MacDonald (FOM) is open to all who wish to share in its purpose, including but not limited to the following –
- to encourage the location, collection and preservation of material about the life of Ranald MacDonald;
- to inform members through newsletters, seminars, tours and related educational programs;
- to encourage or to sponsor publication and distribution of books, articles, brochures and other materials about the life of MacDonald;
- to encourage construction, maintenance and use of monuments and museum exhibits recognizing Ranald MacDonald’s contributions to International Friendship.
Membership (入会案内)
Through your memberships and/or donations you contribute to the building of ties between American and Japanese citizens who have an interest in history, education and people-to-people exchange. Recent membership activities have included historical reenactments, tours of historical sites and exchanges between scholars, historians and writers.
FOM, through the story of Ranald MacDonald, encourages American students of Japanese and Japanese learners of English to engage in the adventure of cultural exchange. Foreign language and cultural studies enrich the citizens of both countries and further mutual understanding between peoples.
FOM provides a window to learning about a unique trans-pacific heritage by conducting lectures and seminar programs, exhibits at public libraries and museums, and participation in ongoing efforts to interpret and preserve the history of the Pacific Northwest.
We invite you to join us! Establish your new annual membership, gift membership or donation in the appropriate category: 年間会費
Family or Individual Membership [$15.00 annual]
米国内在住個人又は家族 会員 [15ドル/年]
International Family or Individual Membership [$20.00 annual]
米国外在住個人又は家族会員 [20ドル/年]
Corporate Membership [$100.00 annual]
法人会員 [100ドル/年]
Please contact
Friends of MacDonald
c/o Clatsop County Historical Society
P.O. Box 88
Astoria, OR 97103